On my first trip to France, in the late winter of 2001, I had the supposedly clever idea of bringing along one of my little wooden Dala horses (they’re all named [*Fargen*](/re-dalahus)), and taking pictures of it at and about the various landmarks of Paris and vicinity. The result would be a cheeky travelogue from the point of view of a three-inch tall scrap of Swedish folk art.
Apparently this wasn’t a very novel concept. The film [*Amelie*](http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0211915/?fr=c2l0ZT1kZnxteD0yMHxsbT01MDB8dHQ9b258ZmI9dXxwbj0wfHE9YW1lbGllfGh0bWw9MXxubT1vbg__;fc=1;ft=125;fm=1), released the same year, has an entire subplot of the plucky heroine sending a small garden gnome around the globe for photo ops. Expedia.com had an [ad campaign](http://slate.msn.com/id/2095541/) featuring a traveling gnome (which of course instantly makes the idea *pass�*).
Perhaps the geekiest iteration of this is at [iPodLounge](http://www.ipodlounge.com/), which has a section dedicated to [*iPods Around the World*](http://gallery.ipodlounge.com/). When a trip to England included a stop at Stonehenge, I hatched a scheme to take a very specific picture, requiring precise timing, which I think [worked out](http://gallery.ipodlounge.com/thumbnails.php?album=search&type=full&search=stonehenge+demons) quite well (considering the stinging rain and wind firing down on me).
In any case, I’ve uploaded a [small album](https://www.dalahus.com/coppermine/thumbnails.php?album=21) of F�rgen posing in Paris, Chartres and Amsterdam. Hopefully his adventures will continue in the near future. Enjoy.
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Not to mention that The Improper Bostonian has been doing an “Improper Around The World” page for about 10 years now.